Is my child having vision trouble?

Is my child having vision trouble?

Every parent wants what’s best for their child. Their health is our main priority. That’s why we watch them, observe how they behave and watch out for any symptoms indicating that something may be wrong. It is due to that careful observation that many parents bring...
Refractive error explained

Refractive error explained

Children are exposed to screens and technology at an incredibly young age. This has introduced strain on the eyes at a time when they are at a crucial stage of development. Because of this “new world,” our pediatric eye doctor recommends that your children have their...
Does My Child Really Need Glasses?

Does My Child Really Need Glasses?

If your child has complained of vision issues, your first thought is likely: “does my child need glasses”? It is also not unusual to be unaware they are having difficulty seeing because they are too little or are not even aware themselves that their vision is...